What should I start with you say? There are no rules or magic. You should do what will offers you the greatest success. You can start with the “Pairing Cigarettes, the Must Have Cigarettes” or a combination. Some people start with cutting out the cigarette after their morning coffee. I know that was one I thought would be hard for me but despite my love for a coffee and cigarette, I had my coffee without the cigarette and conditioned my mind I did not need to “pair” them together to get the enjoyment out of my morning coffee.
Look at it this way, you did not initially start smoking a ½ a pack or a full pack a day, no your habit started gradually. So doesn’t it make sense to quit gradually. That is the way I did it. I found by using a smoking cessation product, decreasing my cigarette intake daily and changing my thought patterns I could finally be successful at quitting. So far it has been going on 4+ years that I have been smoke free. The hardest part was just starting and once I did I had to keep at it. Day by day, just one day at a time, sometimes just hours at a time. Remember I smoked for 33 years so it wasn’t a cake walk for me to quit smoking. I know it won’t be for you either, but I also know you can do it !
Beat the Habit w/ Revolutionary New Alternative to Smoking - Premium Electronic Cigarettes
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