The Tourism Bureau of Taiwan said it would coordinate establishing smoking rooms at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. This was after a Japanese Tourism Association complained that the strict smoking ban kept Japanese tourist away.
The airport did create two outdoor smoking terraces in January after complaints, and considered setting up indoor smoking rooms with air filtering equipment. Liu His-lin, chief secretary of the bureau said this could not be accomplished unit legal issues were resolved. The previous plan to set up nine indoor smoking rooms also was aborted after anti-smoking groups said it violated the act.
There are many smokers in Japan and according to report by travel agents and related industries, the Japaneese may have decided not to visit due to the strict anti-smoking laws. Since Japan is one of the main sources of visitors, Liu bureau being a government agency is in charge of local tourism promotion has a responsibility to coordinate and help resolve this issue.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Attack Your Smoking Habit
How did you do on keeping track of your type casting your smoking habit? Were you surprised or did you pretty much know your smoking habits? Whatever you discovered, now you can take these results and start attacking your smoking habit. Your goal will be to develop a “plan to quit smoking”. You know you’ve heard the saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Well that holds true for quitting smoking. What you want to do is pick a quit day and starting that day decrease your cigarette intake by one cigarette. It doesn’t matter what type of cigarette it is or what time it is, it just matters that you decrease it by one. If you start on Sunday, by Friday you will be smoking 6 less cigarettes a week. You may also enlist in a smoking cessation product to help you get less nicotine in your body as well. Some people have decrease their cigarette intake by more than one the first few days, but the minimum that you should do is one a day. It is up to you, but you must keep consistent in your efforts.
What should I start with you say? There are no rules or magic. You should do what will offers you the greatest success. You can start with the “Pairing Cigarettes, the Must Have Cigarettes” or a combination. Some people start with cutting out the cigarette after their morning coffee. I know that was one I thought would be hard for me but despite my love for a coffee and cigarette, I had my coffee without the cigarette and conditioned my mind I did not need to “pair” them together to get the enjoyment out of my morning coffee.
Look at it this way, you did not initially start smoking a ½ a pack or a full pack a day, no your habit started gradually. So doesn’t it make sense to quit gradually. That is the way I did it. I found by using a smoking cessation product, decreasing my cigarette intake daily and changing my thought patterns I could finally be successful at quitting. So far it has been going on 4+ years that I have been smoke free. The hardest part was just starting and once I did I had to keep at it. Day by day, just one day at a time, sometimes just hours at a time. Remember I smoked for 33 years so it wasn’t a cake walk for me to quit smoking. I know it won’t be for you either, but I also know you can do it !
Beat the Habit w/ Revolutionary New Alternative to Smoking - Premium Electronic Cigarettes

Look at it this way, you did not initially start smoking a ½ a pack or a full pack a day, no your habit started gradually. So doesn’t it make sense to quit gradually. That is the way I did it. I found by using a smoking cessation product, decreasing my cigarette intake daily and changing my thought patterns I could finally be successful at quitting. So far it has been going on 4+ years that I have been smoke free. The hardest part was just starting and once I did I had to keep at it. Day by day, just one day at a time, sometimes just hours at a time. Remember I smoked for 33 years so it wasn’t a cake walk for me to quit smoking. I know it won’t be for you either, but I also know you can do it !
Beat the Habit w/ Revolutionary New Alternative to Smoking - Premium Electronic Cigarettes
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Who’s Keeping Score ?
One of the best ways to find out how to change a habit is to learn how much of a habit we have. In other words what type of a smoker are you. Most of you already know, but keeping track of it and actually seeing it in black and white will give you a better idea of what you are really dealing with and how to effectively stop smoking. I think you will be surprised of your findings.
First off there are several types of cigarettes we smoke each day. See how many of these fit your smoking style. There are :
# 1. Cigarettes we must have. These are the cigarettes that our body physically aches . We would do anything to have one. Get up in the middle of the night and go to the liquor store, smoke old butts, and smoke one after another if need be. You might even feel panicky if you don’t have a cigarette. These are the hardest to quit and many times why we go through withdrawal symptoms. But once resolved to quit we get through the withdrawals and this is one reason why I know I will never pick up not even one cigarette again, I simply do not want to go through the withdrawals again.
#2. Smoke out of habit. These are cigarettes we light up out of habit and do not even think about it. Sometimes we may have two cigarettes going at once. These cigarettes will be easy to give up, because we really don’t even have a need for them, it is purely out of habit. To create a new habit you only have to change your will (mind) and repeat for 30 days. Just think 30 days to a whole new lifestyle!
# 3 The Stress Cigarette. Every time I was under stress, the first thing I would reach for was a cigarette. The fact is taking deep breaths or going for a walk would of relaxed me more. Many times reaching for the stress cigarette was just another excuse for having another cigarette. Now, when I am under stress I often take a deep breath and every once in a while if I do get a cigarette urge I push it aside and the thought goes away in 5 minutes or less. (there is light at the end of the tunnel).
#4 The Pairing Cigarette. You’ve heard of pairing wines with food? Well many (most, including myself) smokers “pair” smoking with a pleasurable experience such as drinking coffee, after dinner cigarette, after sex cigarette, going out for drinks etc. Because most smokers do associate smoking with pleasurable events it makes it harder to quit those types of cigarettes, but not impossible . Think about it that would be like saying non-smokers cannot enjoy dinner, sex coffee or drinks. We simply have to acknowledge those times when we smoke and train our mind to find the same or more pleasure without the cigarette. Again, one day at a time, with the 30 day rule you will be able to conquer this one too!
#5 Looking Good Cigarette : Some people, mostly younger people like the way cigarettes make them look and feel. They like to lean over and have their friend light their cigarette, it feels romantic. They also like the feel of the cigarette, matches, lighter etc. This type of smoker can easily over come these habits with replacement romantic gestures or things to hold in their hands.
Now that we have identified the types of cigarettes we smoke each day, the next step is to keep track of the time of day you smoke , the type of cigarette it is (#1 – 5) and how important it is to you scoring it One – Three. One being least important, Three being most important. Do this for one week. By the end of a week you will have a pretty good idea of what type of smoker you are and where you can start cutting back.
First off there are several types of cigarettes we smoke each day. See how many of these fit your smoking style. There are :
# 1. Cigarettes we must have. These are the cigarettes that our body physically aches . We would do anything to have one. Get up in the middle of the night and go to the liquor store, smoke old butts, and smoke one after another if need be. You might even feel panicky if you don’t have a cigarette. These are the hardest to quit and many times why we go through withdrawal symptoms. But once resolved to quit we get through the withdrawals and this is one reason why I know I will never pick up not even one cigarette again, I simply do not want to go through the withdrawals again.
#2. Smoke out of habit. These are cigarettes we light up out of habit and do not even think about it. Sometimes we may have two cigarettes going at once. These cigarettes will be easy to give up, because we really don’t even have a need for them, it is purely out of habit. To create a new habit you only have to change your will (mind) and repeat for 30 days. Just think 30 days to a whole new lifestyle!
# 3 The Stress Cigarette. Every time I was under stress, the first thing I would reach for was a cigarette. The fact is taking deep breaths or going for a walk would of relaxed me more. Many times reaching for the stress cigarette was just another excuse for having another cigarette. Now, when I am under stress I often take a deep breath and every once in a while if I do get a cigarette urge I push it aside and the thought goes away in 5 minutes or less. (there is light at the end of the tunnel).
#4 The Pairing Cigarette. You’ve heard of pairing wines with food? Well many (most, including myself) smokers “pair” smoking with a pleasurable experience such as drinking coffee, after dinner cigarette, after sex cigarette, going out for drinks etc. Because most smokers do associate smoking with pleasurable events it makes it harder to quit those types of cigarettes, but not impossible . Think about it that would be like saying non-smokers cannot enjoy dinner, sex coffee or drinks. We simply have to acknowledge those times when we smoke and train our mind to find the same or more pleasure without the cigarette. Again, one day at a time, with the 30 day rule you will be able to conquer this one too!
#5 Looking Good Cigarette : Some people, mostly younger people like the way cigarettes make them look and feel. They like to lean over and have their friend light their cigarette, it feels romantic. They also like the feel of the cigarette, matches, lighter etc. This type of smoker can easily over come these habits with replacement romantic gestures or things to hold in their hands.
Now that we have identified the types of cigarettes we smoke each day, the next step is to keep track of the time of day you smoke , the type of cigarette it is (#1 – 5) and how important it is to you scoring it One – Three. One being least important, Three being most important. Do this for one week. By the end of a week you will have a pretty good idea of what type of smoker you are and where you can start cutting back.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Why Should I Quit ?
If you don’t know why you are quitting chance are you will not be successful at quitting smoking– this time. It is important to make a list (however short or long) of reasons to quit smoking. It can be for one reason or many the important thing is that you do have at least one reason. I smoked for many years and couldn’t/wouldn’t quit quite frankly because I didn’t really have any reason to. I liked to smoke and enjoyed it. Many of you do to and perhaps you do not have a reason. But if you are reading this you probably have been thinking lately that smoking is bad for you, someone in your family wants you to quit, you want someone to quit smoking or you are at least thinking about quitting smoking.
In order to get started you need to have a compelling reason. List things that are important to YOU. I know you have heard many people say “Think about the money you can save if you quit smoking” Well for some of you that might be on your list, but for others … just doesn’t hit home. I know for myself it didn’t matter how much it cost, I would sacrifice food for a smoke ( pretty sad, huh?) Here are some of my reasons I quit :
1. I was out of breath when I choose to run or do any physical activity
2. My teenage son started smoking and said he could since I always had
3. I was embarrassed to kiss my boyfriend with “ashtray” mouth
4. I considered the health risks of smoking and birth control pills combined
5. It was interfering with my work since every hour I had to go outside and have a smoke
These are just a portion of why I knew I had to quit. Alone, one of them was not compelling enough, but combined made me think “Are these cigarettes really worth it and who is controlling my life, me or the cigarettes?”
In addition that year I had gone and visited some sales reps I had know for over 20 years. They were about 15- 20 years older than me. We had many good times together, both on a business and personal level. This was a personal visit and since I was no longer in the same business I had been out of touch for a few years. Upon meeting them at a fairly nice restaurant, they were already seated. I was taken aback at Brian the husband who was several years older than his wife. He was hooked up to an oxygen tank and was breathing through the clear tubes that were hooked up in his nose. They had both smoked all their lives. When I asked what happened they explained to me that the cigarette smoking had damaged Brian’s ability to breath without oxygen being hooked up to him. It really got me to thinking if I wanted that type of retirement. After smoking for over 33 years, within six months I quit smoking - within one year Brian had passed away. This story is graphic, but true and the sad part is it happens every day to people who think, it may never happen to them. If you are serious about quitting smoking make sure you help yourself by making a compelling list of why you want to quit. Remember your brain will believe what you tell it – Drown it in good thoughts !
I want to quit smoking too
In order to get started you need to have a compelling reason. List things that are important to YOU. I know you have heard many people say “Think about the money you can save if you quit smoking” Well for some of you that might be on your list, but for others … just doesn’t hit home. I know for myself it didn’t matter how much it cost, I would sacrifice food for a smoke ( pretty sad, huh?) Here are some of my reasons I quit :
1. I was out of breath when I choose to run or do any physical activity
2. My teenage son started smoking and said he could since I always had
3. I was embarrassed to kiss my boyfriend with “ashtray” mouth
4. I considered the health risks of smoking and birth control pills combined
5. It was interfering with my work since every hour I had to go outside and have a smoke
These are just a portion of why I knew I had to quit. Alone, one of them was not compelling enough, but combined made me think “Are these cigarettes really worth it and who is controlling my life, me or the cigarettes?”
In addition that year I had gone and visited some sales reps I had know for over 20 years. They were about 15- 20 years older than me. We had many good times together, both on a business and personal level. This was a personal visit and since I was no longer in the same business I had been out of touch for a few years. Upon meeting them at a fairly nice restaurant, they were already seated. I was taken aback at Brian the husband who was several years older than his wife. He was hooked up to an oxygen tank and was breathing through the clear tubes that were hooked up in his nose. They had both smoked all their lives. When I asked what happened they explained to me that the cigarette smoking had damaged Brian’s ability to breath without oxygen being hooked up to him. It really got me to thinking if I wanted that type of retirement. After smoking for over 33 years, within six months I quit smoking - within one year Brian had passed away. This story is graphic, but true and the sad part is it happens every day to people who think, it may never happen to them. If you are serious about quitting smoking make sure you help yourself by making a compelling list of why you want to quit. Remember your brain will believe what you tell it – Drown it in good thoughts !
I want to quit smoking too
Friday, March 12, 2010
5 Steps to Quitting Smoking
It is very hard to quit smoking. After all, most of us who smoke have had the habit for a while. We like to smoke, cigarettes are our friends and they go everywhere with us. Many of us do not really want to quit but we either know we have to because of fear of bad health or bad health is upon us and we HAVE to quit. Here are 5 things you can do before you actually quit:
1. Determine why you want to quit and list a benefit next to it: Make a list of as many things as you can think of. It is important to train your brain to want to quit and see the benefits that it will bring. For example : I want to quit because I will breath better : Benefit : I will be able to walk without huffing and puffing.
2. Grade the importance of that smoke: For the next week every time you smoke put a 1-5 grade on it 1 being of least importance, 5 being of upmost importance. Keep tract of your habit so you will be able to determine how you will best be able to get your urges under control.
3. Reduce your intake of Cigarettes: Using the chart that you have made the previous week, slowly reduce your intake of nicotine. You may choose to use a nicotine cessation product versus cold turkey. Do whatever works best for you.
4. Quit: Decide this is quits ! Prepare your mind and reinforce your decision by self talk. Every time you feel the urge to smoke, overcome the urge by giving yourself positive reinforcement.
5. Stay Smoke Free for Good: If you are like me, the urges will slowly decrease but you may never find that the urge goes away for good. It’s ok to tell yourself this is normal, but now you are a non-smoker and you have made a big accomplishment. By having just one cigarette, you may become a full fledged smoker again – ask yourself is it really worth it?
You can do it – join the millions who already have !
Beat the Habit w/ Revolutionary New Alternative to Smoking - Premium Electronic Cigarettes
1. Determine why you want to quit and list a benefit next to it: Make a list of as many things as you can think of. It is important to train your brain to want to quit and see the benefits that it will bring. For example : I want to quit because I will breath better : Benefit : I will be able to walk without huffing and puffing.
2. Grade the importance of that smoke: For the next week every time you smoke put a 1-5 grade on it 1 being of least importance, 5 being of upmost importance. Keep tract of your habit so you will be able to determine how you will best be able to get your urges under control.
3. Reduce your intake of Cigarettes: Using the chart that you have made the previous week, slowly reduce your intake of nicotine. You may choose to use a nicotine cessation product versus cold turkey. Do whatever works best for you.
4. Quit: Decide this is quits ! Prepare your mind and reinforce your decision by self talk. Every time you feel the urge to smoke, overcome the urge by giving yourself positive reinforcement.
5. Stay Smoke Free for Good: If you are like me, the urges will slowly decrease but you may never find that the urge goes away for good. It’s ok to tell yourself this is normal, but now you are a non-smoker and you have made a big accomplishment. By having just one cigarette, you may become a full fledged smoker again – ask yourself is it really worth it?
You can do it – join the millions who already have !
Beat the Habit w/ Revolutionary New Alternative to Smoking - Premium Electronic Cigarettes
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
E Cigarettes and Minors
Some states are banning the use of e-cigarettes to minors. The bill is being considered in the Senate.
Electronic cigarettes look like the real thing but don't contain tobacco. Instead, they use a metal tube with a battery to heat a liquid nicotine solution. Users inhale and exhale the resulting water vapor.
What do you think ? Let us hear from you .
Monday, March 8, 2010
Is Nicotine Replacement Therapy Without Counselling Less Effective ?
According to a study published by the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Using nicotine replacement products without professional counseling to accompany therapy may not be as effective as nicotine replacement products plus counseling for patients who wish to quit smoking.
Studies included individuals from random telephone survey conducted over 3 years in adults living in Massachusetts. There were 787 individuals included in the baseline study. During the first follow-up, 321 individuals reported that they had quit smoking in the past 2 years.
Relapse with or without counseling by a professional while using nicotine replacement product was not affected at the first follow up.
The likelihood of relapse was lower in individuals who reported abstinence of 6 months or more, and higher in individuals who had heavy dependence.
Relapse between the first and second follow-up interviews was more likely in patients who used nicotine replacement products without professional counseling. Relapse was not affected by nicotine replacement products use with professional counseling .
Studies included individuals from random telephone survey conducted over 3 years in adults living in Massachusetts. There were 787 individuals included in the baseline study. During the first follow-up, 321 individuals reported that they had quit smoking in the past 2 years.
Relapse with or without counseling by a professional while using nicotine replacement product was not affected at the first follow up.
The likelihood of relapse was lower in individuals who reported abstinence of 6 months or more, and higher in individuals who had heavy dependence.
Relapse between the first and second follow-up interviews was more likely in patients who used nicotine replacement products without professional counseling. Relapse was not affected by nicotine replacement products use with professional counseling .
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Smoking During Pregnancy – Why can’t we do it ? Our Grandmothers did!
Smoking is not good for us and we have known it since the 60’s. Can you imagine what is doing to our unborn? Depending on your age, your mother , or your grandmother might have smoked during their pregnancy and no one thought anything of it and it was widely acceptable. But fast forward to the millennium
Why is it so bad now ? Well for one, we know better. When you smoke during pregnancy , the toxic brew gets into your bloodstream, your baby's only source of oxygen and nutrients. And consider this: cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, including truly nasty things like cyanide, lead, and at least 60 cancer-causing compounds. Do you really want to expose the love of your life to any of this?
None of this is good for your baby or you, but the most harmful compounds are nicotine and carbon monoxide. These two toxins account for almost every smoking-related complication in pregnancy,
Some of the complications that smoking during pregnancy causes are: stillbirth, premature delivery, and low birth weight. Why? Because the nicotine and carbon monoxide work together to reduce your baby's supply of oxygen. Nicotine chokes off oxygen by narrowing blood vessels throughout your body, including the ones in the umbilical cord. So today we are much more knowledgeable about smoking during pregnancy than our mothers or grandmothers were. So if you are smoking and pregnant, think about quitting smoking now.
Why is it so bad now ? Well for one, we know better. When you smoke during pregnancy , the toxic brew gets into your bloodstream, your baby's only source of oxygen and nutrients. And consider this: cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, including truly nasty things like cyanide, lead, and at least 60 cancer-causing compounds. Do you really want to expose the love of your life to any of this?
None of this is good for your baby or you, but the most harmful compounds are nicotine and carbon monoxide. These two toxins account for almost every smoking-related complication in pregnancy,
Some of the complications that smoking during pregnancy causes are: stillbirth, premature delivery, and low birth weight. Why? Because the nicotine and carbon monoxide work together to reduce your baby's supply of oxygen. Nicotine chokes off oxygen by narrowing blood vessels throughout your body, including the ones in the umbilical cord. So today we are much more knowledgeable about smoking during pregnancy than our mothers or grandmothers were. So if you are smoking and pregnant, think about quitting smoking now.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Students smokers who plan to enter the medical field should kick their nicotine habit as soon as possible.
Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga are beginning to do a nicotine screen in addition to other drug tests on all new hires.
Although current employees will not be affected, new applicants who smoke cigarettes or use other nicotine products will not be hired, even if they are using gum or a patch to quit smoking. It is suggested that students who plant to enter the medical field should kick the nicotine habit as soon as possible in order to ensure a position in the medical field.
This initiative is in a effort to maintain and promote healthy living in all aspects of the hospital stated hospital representatives.
Older smokers did not have the information that younger smokers have with regard to the health problems smoking causes since several decades ago smoking was widely acceptable and there was not as many studies done. Several decades ago, smoking was commonplace, and smoking was virtually permitted in almost any public place. Although times have changed and both groups have been made aware of the health risks, the addiction can still be very hard to eliminate.
Older adults are at a disadvantage, not only have they had a longer history of nicotine addition , their mindset is different. The era they grew up in was likely unaware of the health implications related to smoking and they have been ignorant to it. That ignorance puts them at a disadvantage in today’s job market where smokers are being denied a job, at least at Memorial Hospital.
It is a fact that insurance costs are higher for individuals who smoke. The increased cost of insurance may be one of the factors that’s driving this policy change at Memorial Hospital. Even if employees paid the extra cost, eliminating smokers altogether would decrease paperwork and overall insurance costs for the hospital. .
The hospital could take into consideration the “human side” of this situation and instead of banning the smokers all together, could hire them under the condition that they would quit smoking on a time line. This way everyone would have an equal chance of employment and a chance to recover from their addiction.
Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga are beginning to do a nicotine screen in addition to other drug tests on all new hires.
Although current employees will not be affected, new applicants who smoke cigarettes or use other nicotine products will not be hired, even if they are using gum or a patch to quit smoking. It is suggested that students who plant to enter the medical field should kick the nicotine habit as soon as possible in order to ensure a position in the medical field.
This initiative is in a effort to maintain and promote healthy living in all aspects of the hospital stated hospital representatives.
Older smokers did not have the information that younger smokers have with regard to the health problems smoking causes since several decades ago smoking was widely acceptable and there was not as many studies done. Several decades ago, smoking was commonplace, and smoking was virtually permitted in almost any public place. Although times have changed and both groups have been made aware of the health risks, the addiction can still be very hard to eliminate.
Older adults are at a disadvantage, not only have they had a longer history of nicotine addition , their mindset is different. The era they grew up in was likely unaware of the health implications related to smoking and they have been ignorant to it. That ignorance puts them at a disadvantage in today’s job market where smokers are being denied a job, at least at Memorial Hospital.
It is a fact that insurance costs are higher for individuals who smoke. The increased cost of insurance may be one of the factors that’s driving this policy change at Memorial Hospital. Even if employees paid the extra cost, eliminating smokers altogether would decrease paperwork and overall insurance costs for the hospital. .
The hospital could take into consideration the “human side” of this situation and instead of banning the smokers all together, could hire them under the condition that they would quit smoking on a time line. This way everyone would have an equal chance of employment and a chance to recover from their addiction.
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