Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why Should I Quit ?

If you don’t know why you are quitting chance are you will not be successful at quitting smoking– this time. It is important to make a list (however short or long) of reasons to quit smoking. It can be for one reason or many the important thing is that you do have at least one reason. I smoked for many years and couldn’t/wouldn’t quit quite frankly because I didn’t really have any reason to. I liked to smoke and enjoyed it. Many of you do to and perhaps you do not have a reason. But if you are reading this you probably have been thinking lately that smoking is bad for you, someone in your family wants you to quit, you want someone to quit smoking or you are at least thinking about quitting smoking.

In order to get started you need to have a compelling reason. List things that are important to YOU. I know you have heard many people say “Think about the money you can save if you quit smoking” Well for some of you that might be on your list, but for others … just doesn’t hit home. I know for myself it didn’t matter how much it cost, I would sacrifice food for a smoke ( pretty sad, huh?) Here are some of my reasons I quit :

1. I was out of breath when I choose to run or do any physical activity

2. My teenage son started smoking and said he could since I always had

3. I was embarrassed to kiss my boyfriend with “ashtray” mouth

4. I considered the health risks of smoking and birth control pills combined

5. It was interfering with my work since every hour I had to go outside and have a smoke

These are just a portion of why I knew I had to quit. Alone, one of them was not compelling enough, but combined made me think “Are these cigarettes really worth it and who is controlling my life, me or the cigarettes?”

In addition that year I had gone and visited some sales reps I had know for over 20 years. They were about 15- 20 years older than me. We had many good times together, both on a business and personal level. This was a personal visit and since I was no longer in the same business I had been out of touch for a few years. Upon meeting them at a fairly nice restaurant, they were already seated. I was taken aback at Brian the husband who was several years older than his wife. He was hooked up to an oxygen tank and was breathing through the clear tubes that were hooked up in his nose. They had both smoked all their lives. When I asked what happened they explained to me that the cigarette smoking had damaged Brian’s ability to breath without oxygen being hooked up to him. It really got me to thinking if I wanted that type of retirement. After smoking for over 33 years, within six months I quit smoking - within one year Brian had passed away. This story is graphic, but true and the sad part is it happens every day to people who think, it may never happen to them. If you are serious about quitting smoking make sure you help yourself by making a compelling list of why you want to quit. Remember your brain will believe what you tell it – Drown it in good thoughts !
I want to quit smoking too

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