What happens when you become obsessed with the thoughts of cigarettes thoughout your day ? Many people do and it is something to become aware of. You might start thinking about your cigarettes and how much you are missing them. It may seem like you are spending your whole waking day thinking about cigarettes, when in the past you never gave them a second thought. Soon you might find yourself rationalizing why you should give in to that cigarette. If you had resolved yourself to quitting because it was good for your health you migh say to yourself " I don't think one cigarette will be that harmful to me ". If you believed you quit because you might get lung cancer from cigarette smoking. Now as that urge becomes so powerful, you are thinking to yourself " Millions of people have lived to a ripe old age who smoked and have not had cigarette induced illnesses". Or what about the person who's cravings are so bad and quit heavy smoking now believes because he / she reduced the amount of cigarettes they smoke daily it no longer is a threat to their health and does not want to quit all the way.
The rationalizations go on and on. Do any of these sound familar ?
Cigarettes cost too much - It's only money
I quit this time, I can always quit again
The tension is unbearable
It isn't worth the hassel
I can do it later
I'm just to weak
I can't do it
Which part of you wins? The non-smoker will will if you are mentally ready to combat the rationalizations with your resolve to quit when these reationslizations pop into your head.
If one of your reasons was to quit to become more health here is one example of how you can combat these retionalizations or games your mind plays with you : During your workday you feel stressed and suddenly get an uncontrolable urge to have a cigarette. You say to yourself " This just isn't worth it " and want to light up. You instantly have to be ready with another statement such as " You better believe this is worth it because millions of people do die from cigarette related illinesses and I want to live a long smoke free life "
This will be a life long process, because your mind may always want "just that one cigarette". I know I do but I have to tell myself, if I have just one, I will be a full fledged smoker again and I know that's what I don't want - so I know that I cannot have "just one".

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