Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Every Cigarette Is Doing You Damage

When I started smoking we didn't realize how bad it was for our bodies.  After a half of decade, the results were in and there were tobacco warning labels on cigarettes, non-smoking sections in restaurants, articles on second hand smoke, and the list goes on and on  With all that you would think I would not have been addicted enough at that time to quit and more importantly saw fit to quit on my own,  The fact remains, that our minds are powerful.  It is true our minds can conquer anything if we want it to.....we simply have to want it bad enough.  If you truly want to quit, watch this video and put some thoght into what it is doing to your body.  Watch it more than once, and associate it with your morning or evening cigarette.  You may not be one of the people who has a stroke in their 30's but sooner or later the effects of smoking will catch up with you.  So as you go along wih your quest to Quit Smoking ....ask yourself "Was that last cigaretre really that important to me ?"

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