My decision to quit smoking was not easy. I had not really seriously thought about it before. In my 20's I had made a bet to quit smoking for a month for $300.00 so I did. Yes, money motivated me, but the cost of smoking did not motivate me to quit. When I finally decided to quit it was an emotional issue. I really did not want to smoke around this particular boyfriend. Now at 50 who would of imagined I would of put the cigarettes down. It wouldn't be easy to quit smoking after 33 years. I did not choose to go cold turkey. I choose a smoking aid to help me. First I sought the advice of my doctor after all I probably had done a lot of damage to by body. I had researched many smoking aids, the nicotine patch, stop smoking hypnosis, stop smoking pills, stop smoking shots, nicotine gum, electronic cigarette,the list goes on and on. I finally choose the one that suited me best. Stop Smoking
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