Friday, January 22, 2010

Low Calorie Snacks to Keep you Thin When You Quit Smoking

Some of the low calorie snacks that helped me keep my weight down during the time I quit smoking included the following foods and beverages:


Carbonated (per 8-ounce glass)

Cola-type 95

Fruit flavors (10-13% sugar) 115

Ginger ale 75

Fruit drinks (per 1/2 cup)

Apricot nectar 70

Cranberry juice 80

Grape drink 70

Lemonade (frozen) 55

Fruit juices (per 1/2 cup)

Apple juice, canned 60

Grape juice, bottled 80

Grapefruit juice, canned, unsweetened 50

Orange juice, canned, unsweetened 55

Pineapple juice, canned, unsweetened 70

Prune juice, canned 100

Vegetable juices (per 1/2 cup)

Tomato juice 25

Vegetable juice cocktail 20

Coffee and tea

Coffee, black 3-5

with 1 tsp. sugar 18-20

with 1 tsp. cream 13-15

Tea, plain 0-1

with 1 tsp. sugar 15-16


Butter, 2-inch diameter 15

Graham, 2 1/2 inches square, 2 55

Matzoh, 6-inch diameter 80

Rye 45

Saltine 50


Apple, 1 medium 80

Apricots, fresh, 3 medium 50

Apricots, dried, 5 halves 40

Banana, 1 medium 105

Blackberries, 1/2 cup 35

Blueberries, 1/2 cup 40

Cantaloupe, 1/4 melon 50

Cherries, 10 50

Dates, dried, 3 70

Fig, dried, 1 medium 50

Grapefruit, 1/2 40

Grapes, 20 30

Orange, 1 medium 60

Peach, 1 medium 35

Pear, 1 medium 100

Pineapple, 1/2 cup 40

Prunes, dried, 3 60

Raisins, 1/4 cup 110

Strawberries, 1 cup 45

Watermelon, 1 cup 50


Almonds 105

Brazil nuts 115

Cashews 100

Peanuts 105

Pecans, halves 95


Carrots, 7 1/2 X 1 1/8 inch 30

Carrots, 1/2 cup grated 25

Celery, 5-inch stalks, 3 10

Pickle, 1 15-20


Candy (per ounce)

Hard candy 110

Jellybeans 105

Marshmallows 90

Gumdrops 100

Chips (per cup)

Corn chips 230

Potato chips 115

Popcorn (air-popped, without butter) 25


Dutch, 1 twisted 60

Stick, 5 regular 10

I hope these foods will help you also.  To STOP SMOKING NOW, keep comming back !

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