Thursday, February 11, 2010


Everyone needs help quitting smoking. Even if you want to quit, I've heard and read that quitting is harder than stopping a herion addition ! I've put together a series of suggestions that might help you quit. It helped me to post these suggestions on "post it" notes on my bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and on my desk at work. It takes alot of willpower to quit, but it also takes retraing your mind. After 33 years of this same habit I know what you are going through, but I also know you can do it ! Let me hear from you soon and Good Luck ! When you get the crazies :

• Keep oral substitutes handy - try carrots, pickles, sunflower seeds, apples, celery, raisins, or sugarless gum instead of a cigarette.

• Take 10 deep breaths and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly and blow out the match.  
   Pretend it's a cigarette and crush it out in an ashtray.

• Take a shower or bath if possible.

• Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Make yourself limp, visualize a soothing, pleasing situation, and get
   away from it all for a moment. Concentrate on that peaceful image and nothing else.

• Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette.

• Never allow yourself to think that "one won't hurt" - it will.
   Quit Now

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