Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Prepared Myself to Quit part 3

For 33 years I did not want to quit, but during the time I was going out with an non smoker and not smoking in front of him, little did I know I was preparing my body not to smoke. The other thing that happened was my mind was noticing that I could go many hours without the need to smoke. I started paying attention to how and what prompted me to smoke and when the urges were the strongest. As I said in my past blogs, you do have to first change your mind and your behavior will follow. Here are some other things to consider when decidong to quit that may help you on your way to becomming a non-smoker for good !


• Bet a friend you can quit on your target date. Put your cigarette money aside for every day, and forfeit it if you smoke. (But if you do smoke, DON'T GIVE UP. Simply strengthen your resolve and try again.)
• Ask your spouse or a friend to quit with you.
• Tell your family and friends that you're quitting and when. They can be an important source of support, both before and after you quit.


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