5 Of all the many reasons to quit smoking I always did have a fear of cancer or worse yet getting a disease that the doctor would just tell me “it could have been prevented only if you would of……. “ and you can fill in the blanks. Well as it turned out after not having taken birth control pills for 30+ years I decided to take birth control at a ripe old age. I knew at my age and the health risk associated with smoking and the birth control that would leave me at very high risk. It turned out to be a major decision in my life. Whatever your reasons are, and however long it takes, you should be aware that smokers are more at risk for the following should you not decide to quit smoking :
• COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
COPD makes breathing extremely difficult. . Emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis are included under COPD. Smoking is attributed to 80% of the patients who have COPD. People who have never smoked, hardly ever have this disease. Treatments include medications, oxygen therapy, surgery and pulmonary rehabilitation. I remember that in my younger years I had a sales representative who was about 15 years my senior. Long after our business association we remained friends. I had a occasion to visit out of state where he lived and was shocked to see him on oxygen. He, his wife and I were always so full of life and very active in business and business gatherings. I remember how saddened I was to see how difficult it was for him to breath. Since I was still smoking I also thought to myself “that could be me in a few years. It took me another year to finally quit smoking
• Heart Disease
Smoking is the leading cause of coronary heart disease along with atherosclerosis which is a buildup of fatty substances in the arteries. Over the years, Smoking consistently lowers your blood pressure, lowers stamina for exercise and increases the tendency for blood clots. If the arteries that supply blood to the heart become severely narrowed, decreasing the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart, especially during times of increased activity additional strain on the heart may result in chest pain. If 1 or more of the coronary arteries are completely blocked a patient may also suffer a heart attack.
• Stroke
My Aunt was a smoker all her life, and worse than a heart attack I believe is a stroke. Her quality of life was never the same and she could never walk or talk again. I must say, I still continued to smoke after that for about another ten years ! Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of strokes and heart attacks. Smokers are 3 times more likely to suffer a stroke than non-smokers. The good news is if you quit smoking early, your risk of a stroke is drastically reduced.
• Lung Cancer
Cigarette Smoking is directly linked to the increase numbers of patients who suffer from lung cancer. Furthermore smoking is responsible for 90% of all cancer deaths. Being responsible for more cancer deaths than colorectal cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer combined in both men and women.
• Oral Cancer
Common symptoms of oral cancer include white or red patch of skin in the mouth or under the tongue, a lump in the mouth, throat or tongue, a sore throat that doesn’t go away within a normal period of time and difficulty in swallowing or chewing. All forms of tobacco addiction increases your risk of oral cancer.
I am concerned about my health risks and want to quit smoking now
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
An alternative cigarette called Smoke Assists allows smokers to smoke without inhaling harmful chemicals or releasing second had smoke into the atmosphere. This new product may revolutionize how and where we smoke!
The e-cigarette has an atomized filter that gives the smoker the flavor of nicotine without any harmful effects. This realistic cigarette emits water vapor instead of smoke, leaving ones clothing and surrounds free from the smell and harmful effects of real tobacco. A cartridge lasts approximately the same as a pack and a half of cigarettes. Yes, I want more information.
The e-cigarette has an atomized filter that gives the smoker the flavor of nicotine without any harmful effects. This realistic cigarette emits water vapor instead of smoke, leaving ones clothing and surrounds free from the smell and harmful effects of real tobacco. A cartridge lasts approximately the same as a pack and a half of cigarettes. Yes, I want more information.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
7 Smart Tips if you want to Quit Smoking for Good
When I made the decision to quit smoking and the key word here is “I” , I intellectually knew the top 3 benefits would be : 1. lower risk of lung cancer, 2. breathing better 3. lowering my health insurance premiums (my family’s health was also a big bonus ). It was still one of the most difficult things I did in my life. Here are some things I took into consideration :
1. I Quit for myself : Over the years it didn’t matter how many times other people told me I needed to quit, the fact of the matter was, if I didn’t want to – I wouldn’t succeed and I knew it. If you have a loved one that does not want to quit right now – be patient and understanding. There will come a day when they are ready, and don’t give up hope – My mom was 75 before she quit!
2, Considered Quitting Cold Turkey, but I couldn’t . After 33 years and several packs a day, although my mind wanted to, my body resisted. I initially used the help of a smoking cessation product, for a short time until my body adjusted to minimal amounts of nicotine, once done, I never looked back. I knew that it would only ever take one puff and I would be a full fledged smoker again. If you are the type that can quit cold turkey, you should only have a short time of intense withdrawal symptoms then your body will rid itself of all nicotine. After a month or two those intense cravings should go away.
3. Don’t have “just one puff” or put yourself in a situation where you will be tempted to have a cigarette As previously stated, having one puff is like undermining all the good work you have done thusfar – at least for me it would have been. When you smoke you will reintroduce the nicotine back into your system and it will make it that much harder to give it up again. Also, in the beginning I tried not to put myself in situations where I would normally have a cigarette. I passed on that morning cup of coffee, going out for a drink with the girls and changed my habits after dinner.
4. Try electronic cigarettes If you feel the need to have something in your hand or mouth, you can avoid all those carcinogens by using electronic cigarettes. They don’t have tar, or any other carcinogens found in regular cigarettes and tobacco. They will satisfy your cravings, and are healthier than any of the more common forms of nicotine.
5. Deal with stress naturally Before I quit smoking iIt was always natural for me to grab a cigarette and light up when I felt stressed. Now I had to pick another way to deal with my stress. I picked simply “deep breathing” I noticed this would calm me down because I had to really concentrate on taking deep breaths and as I was doing so I was doing “self talk” and creating a more calming atmosphere for myself.
6. Eat regularly By eating regularly, you keep your blood sugar level up and this will help you to avoid low blood sugar or feeling too hungry. e. If you’ve quit smoking, it’s very important to eat regularly in order to avoid feeling too hungry or encountering low blood sugar situations.
Many smokers smoke in order to deal with stress. However, think back to a time when you weren’t a smoker, maybe when you were fourteen or fifteen. You faced difficult and stressful situations, and dealt with them without resorting to nicotine. You could do it then, so surely you can deal with stress now that you’re older and more mature, without needing cigarettes as your crutch. It may seem difficult at first, but over time you’ll find that you’re actually able to deal with stress better without cigarettes.
7. Let Your Family and Friends Know You are Quitiing Smoking This helps in a variety of ways. . Your family and friends can give you support and encouragement when you need it. It will also help them understand your mood swings that you might experience, now that your “old friend is being taken away from you”. In addition many times when people “tell” others who are close to them of their decision to quit, they do not want to let their friends and family down, it helps them be more determined to quit.
Many say smoking is as addictive as heroin use, it certainly was one of the most difficult things I ever had to quit doing. At the same time, it was very rewarding to Kick the Habit and now tell everyone, when asked
I Don’t Smoke!
1. I Quit for myself : Over the years it didn’t matter how many times other people told me I needed to quit, the fact of the matter was, if I didn’t want to – I wouldn’t succeed and I knew it. If you have a loved one that does not want to quit right now – be patient and understanding. There will come a day when they are ready, and don’t give up hope – My mom was 75 before she quit!
2, Considered Quitting Cold Turkey, but I couldn’t . After 33 years and several packs a day, although my mind wanted to, my body resisted. I initially used the help of a smoking cessation product, for a short time until my body adjusted to minimal amounts of nicotine, once done, I never looked back. I knew that it would only ever take one puff and I would be a full fledged smoker again. If you are the type that can quit cold turkey, you should only have a short time of intense withdrawal symptoms then your body will rid itself of all nicotine. After a month or two those intense cravings should go away.
3. Don’t have “just one puff” or put yourself in a situation where you will be tempted to have a cigarette As previously stated, having one puff is like undermining all the good work you have done thusfar – at least for me it would have been. When you smoke you will reintroduce the nicotine back into your system and it will make it that much harder to give it up again. Also, in the beginning I tried not to put myself in situations where I would normally have a cigarette. I passed on that morning cup of coffee, going out for a drink with the girls and changed my habits after dinner.
4. Try electronic cigarettes If you feel the need to have something in your hand or mouth, you can avoid all those carcinogens by using electronic cigarettes. They don’t have tar, or any other carcinogens found in regular cigarettes and tobacco. They will satisfy your cravings, and are healthier than any of the more common forms of nicotine.
5. Deal with stress naturally Before I quit smoking iIt was always natural for me to grab a cigarette and light up when I felt stressed. Now I had to pick another way to deal with my stress. I picked simply “deep breathing” I noticed this would calm me down because I had to really concentrate on taking deep breaths and as I was doing so I was doing “self talk” and creating a more calming atmosphere for myself.
6. Eat regularly By eating regularly, you keep your blood sugar level up and this will help you to avoid low blood sugar or feeling too hungry. e. If you’ve quit smoking, it’s very important to eat regularly in order to avoid feeling too hungry or encountering low blood sugar situations.
Many smokers smoke in order to deal with stress. However, think back to a time when you weren’t a smoker, maybe when you were fourteen or fifteen. You faced difficult and stressful situations, and dealt with them without resorting to nicotine. You could do it then, so surely you can deal with stress now that you’re older and more mature, without needing cigarettes as your crutch. It may seem difficult at first, but over time you’ll find that you’re actually able to deal with stress better without cigarettes.
7. Let Your Family and Friends Know You are Quitiing Smoking This helps in a variety of ways. . Your family and friends can give you support and encouragement when you need it. It will also help them understand your mood swings that you might experience, now that your “old friend is being taken away from you”. In addition many times when people “tell” others who are close to them of their decision to quit, they do not want to let their friends and family down, it helps them be more determined to quit.
Many say smoking is as addictive as heroin use, it certainly was one of the most difficult things I ever had to quit doing. At the same time, it was very rewarding to Kick the Habit and now tell everyone, when asked
I Don’t Smoke!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Be Supportive to a Friend who Has Decided to Quit Smoking
Helping a friend quit smoking is basically Not bugging them, but finding out what is motivating them and then supporting their decision to quit smoking. I know that when I wanted to quit the last thing I wanted to hear was people nagging me about quitting, or ex-smokers telling me all about how important it was to quit.
Most people have success quitting smoking when they have decided on their own to stop smoking. Some quit smoking cold turkey, while others use hypnosis or decrease their exposure to nicotine through nicotine cessation products which decrease their cigarette consumption. That being said here are some ways to encourage a friend or family member who is deciding on their own to stop smoking:
1. Whenever successes are talked about be positive and uplifting. Go ahead and talk about your own successes.
2. Recognize that mistakes or setback will be made, again share your experiences, so your friend doesn’t feel alone. Let them know this is normal, but don’t dwell on them and assure them they can still be successful.
3. If their quitting strategy differs from yours – support their choices ! What worked for one person doesn’t always work for everyone.
4. Let them know what helped you stay away from smoking situations which could defeat your success in quitting smoking .
5.Listen, Listen, Listen first and foremost be their friend!
I Want To Quit Smoking Now
Most people have success quitting smoking when they have decided on their own to stop smoking. Some quit smoking cold turkey, while others use hypnosis or decrease their exposure to nicotine through nicotine cessation products which decrease their cigarette consumption. That being said here are some ways to encourage a friend or family member who is deciding on their own to stop smoking:
1. Whenever successes are talked about be positive and uplifting. Go ahead and talk about your own successes.
2. Recognize that mistakes or setback will be made, again share your experiences, so your friend doesn’t feel alone. Let them know this is normal, but don’t dwell on them and assure them they can still be successful.
3. If their quitting strategy differs from yours – support their choices ! What worked for one person doesn’t always work for everyone.
4. Let them know what helped you stay away from smoking situations which could defeat your success in quitting smoking .
5.Listen, Listen, Listen first and foremost be their friend!
I Want To Quit Smoking Now
Thursday, February 18, 2010
16. Loneliness Call a friend, go to a movie, go for a walk, take up a hobby, join a club. Get involved with your community, get involved with life !
17. Night Time awakenings: Are not too common, but should only last the first week of quitting and should go away shortly after that.
18. Restlessness: The more exercise you get the less resless you will be. Ask your employer for more work, do extra chores at home.
19. Tightness in the chest: This is a normal part of the body recovering and getting back to normal. the body still wants nicotine. This may be caused from sore muscles from coughing or the need for nicotine. Be patient wait it out, do some deep breathing and positive self talking !
20. Weight gain: This is the most common concern of people trying to quit smoking. The truth of the matter is, it is far more healither to have a few extra pound on you than to smoke. The key here being few. Most people gain between 5 - 10 pounds when quitting. After the body adjusts for a period of time it is common for people to take off the weight with proper diet and exercise.
I am ready to Quit Smoking NOW
17. Night Time awakenings: Are not too common, but should only last the first week of quitting and should go away shortly after that.
18. Restlessness: The more exercise you get the less resless you will be. Ask your employer for more work, do extra chores at home.
19. Tightness in the chest: This is a normal part of the body recovering and getting back to normal. the body still wants nicotine. This may be caused from sore muscles from coughing or the need for nicotine. Be patient wait it out, do some deep breathing and positive self talking !
20. Weight gain: This is the most common concern of people trying to quit smoking. The truth of the matter is, it is far more healither to have a few extra pound on you than to smoke. The key here being few. Most people gain between 5 - 10 pounds when quitting. After the body adjusts for a period of time it is common for people to take off the weight with proper diet and exercise.
I am ready to Quit Smoking NOW
15. Loneliness: Call a friend, go to a movie, take a walk,l read a book, join a club. Lean a new hobby. Get involoved with your community and life !
16. Night Time awakenings: This is common for some and should go away within a week of quitting.
17. Restlessness: The more activity you have the less restless you will be. Try to ask for more work from your employer and do extra chores around the house.
18. Tightness in the chest: This is part of the recovery process of your body getting back to normal. It may be caused by the need for nicotine or sore muscles from coughing. Wait it out and be patient, in the meantime deep breathing will help !
19. Weight gain: This is always the biggest concern for many people when they want to quit. The fact of the matter is, it is healither to be a few pounds over weight than it is to smoke. Key word here is few. It is normal to gain 5-10 pounda and it is also normal to take it off after your body adjusts for a period of time.
I am ready to Quit Smoking
16. Night Time awakenings: This is common for some and should go away within a week of quitting.
17. Restlessness: The more activity you have the less restless you will be. Try to ask for more work from your employer and do extra chores around the house.
18. Tightness in the chest: This is part of the recovery process of your body getting back to normal. It may be caused by the need for nicotine or sore muscles from coughing. Wait it out and be patient, in the meantime deep breathing will help !
19. Weight gain: This is always the biggest concern for many people when they want to quit. The fact of the matter is, it is healither to be a few pounds over weight than it is to smoke. Key word here is few. It is normal to gain 5-10 pounda and it is also normal to take it off after your body adjusts for a period of time.
I am ready to Quit Smoking
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
11. Headaches: I decreased my coffee intake. If you drink colas decrease that as well. It was easy since, without the cigarette, I didn't really want as much coffee. I also exercised more and relaxed in the evening with a warm bath instead of a shower.
12. Increase on Appetite: My hunger didn't really increase. I did notice food tasted a little better, I mean I could really taste the hot chiles now ! What really happens is I always wanted something in my hands, or "hand to mouth" . I started drinking more water and eating more low calorie vegetables.
13. Insomnia: Nicotine can influence sleep patterns and dreams about smoking are common. About 3 months after I quit, I actually had a dream that I smoked. It was so real I woke up, throat was sore and thought I actually did smoke ! To reduce these symptoms you can avoid caffeine after 6:00 pm , take a relaxing bath, try deep breathing exercises. Work on a hobby.
14. Irritability, grouchy, tense: Tobacco is a stimulant, therefore when we smoke our bodies are in a chronic state of nervous stimulation. When we quit our bodies are craving nicotine. Our body is ajusting and trying to return to normal. Keep up with the deep breathing and positive statements to yourself. Take walks, exercise and cut down on caffinated drinks. Get help from a smoking cessation product.
15.Lack of concentration: Another adjustment that the body is going through. One I didn't like since I needed to concentrate on my full time job, like so many of us do. Thank goodness I did get back to normal and was able to concentrate again after a few weeks. During that time I know I sound repetitious but keep up with the deep breathing and positive statements to yourself. Take walks, exercise and cut down on caffinated drinks. This will also help you to keep your cravings under control.
I want help to quit smoking
12. Increase on Appetite: My hunger didn't really increase. I did notice food tasted a little better, I mean I could really taste the hot chiles now ! What really happens is I always wanted something in my hands, or "hand to mouth" . I started drinking more water and eating more low calorie vegetables.
13. Insomnia: Nicotine can influence sleep patterns and dreams about smoking are common. About 3 months after I quit, I actually had a dream that I smoked. It was so real I woke up, throat was sore and thought I actually did smoke ! To reduce these symptoms you can avoid caffeine after 6:00 pm , take a relaxing bath, try deep breathing exercises. Work on a hobby.
14. Irritability, grouchy, tense: Tobacco is a stimulant, therefore when we smoke our bodies are in a chronic state of nervous stimulation. When we quit our bodies are craving nicotine. Our body is ajusting and trying to return to normal. Keep up with the deep breathing and positive statements to yourself. Take walks, exercise and cut down on caffinated drinks. Get help from a smoking cessation product.
15.Lack of concentration: Another adjustment that the body is going through. One I didn't like since I needed to concentrate on my full time job, like so many of us do. Thank goodness I did get back to normal and was able to concentrate again after a few weeks. During that time I know I sound repetitious but keep up with the deep breathing and positive statements to yourself. Take walks, exercise and cut down on caffinated drinks. This will also help you to keep your cravings under control.
I want help to quit smoking
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
6. Craving for a cigarette: Nicotine is an addictive drug. Cravings are different for everyone. Many times it may last only 2-3 days. For some it last for months or for years. Wait out the urge it will go away, usually in 3 to 5 minutes. Think or focus on something else, take deep breaths, exercise or brush your teeth. These are all things that helped me. I have quit for four years, but actually every once in a while about twice a year I still get the urge. For me, I'm not sure it will every go away.
7. Depression & Despair: Talk positively to yourself and tell yourself you can do it ! Write down key phases to combat your self defeating ones and repete a positive statement everytime you find youself putting yourself down. Find a susbsitute to smoking. The depression and despair should be temporary, but if it does not appear to be going away, consult your doctor.
8. Dizziness: This should also pass and should only last several days. You are now getting more oxygen so your body needs time to adjust.
9. Fatigue: Your body is adjusting and healing. By drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily it will help the healing process. If you feel tired when you wake up, do some moderate exercise and take a cool shower.
10. Frustration: Deep Breathing is what helped me get through alot of the symptoms and it was good for this one as well. Keep repeting positive reinforcement statements to yourself as you breath in and out. Remember change you mind, change your behavior.
I Want To Quit Smoking Today
7. Depression & Despair: Talk positively to yourself and tell yourself you can do it ! Write down key phases to combat your self defeating ones and repete a positive statement everytime you find youself putting yourself down. Find a susbsitute to smoking. The depression and despair should be temporary, but if it does not appear to be going away, consult your doctor.
8. Dizziness: This should also pass and should only last several days. You are now getting more oxygen so your body needs time to adjust.
9. Fatigue: Your body is adjusting and healing. By drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily it will help the healing process. If you feel tired when you wake up, do some moderate exercise and take a cool shower.
10. Frustration: Deep Breathing is what helped me get through alot of the symptoms and it was good for this one as well. Keep repeting positive reinforcement statements to yourself as you breath in and out. Remember change you mind, change your behavior.
I Want To Quit Smoking Today
Monday, February 15, 2010
1. Anger and Mood Swings : For some anger may sometimes appear. You don't know why you feel that way, you just do. Accept that you are going through some changes and vent it safely. Deal with your feelings rather than suppressing them. Say what’s on your mind without blowing your stack. Anger openly expressed or kept inside creates tension which may create the need for a cigarette. Reducing the tension will reduce your desire for a cigarette. Discuss your anger with a friend Take a walk, take deep breaths. .
2. Boredom : Take up a new hobby. Smoking took up a lot of time. Use the extra time to learn to do new
things, i.e. garden, cook, embrider, join a gym. Try and keep your hands busy.
3. Constipation, gas, stomach pain: Constipation may last for several weeks but is only temporary.
Drink plenty of liquids (6-8 glasses of water daily); add roughage to diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, bran); go for walks.
4. Feeling cooped up: This feeling is normal. Get out in the fresh air and go for a walk. Keep yourself busy, both mentally and physically.
5. Cough, dry throat/mouth, nasal drip: This happens to many people when they quit smoking because the body is getting rid of mucous. Drink plenty of fluids; drink cold water, fruit juice, tea; use cough drops, gum or hard candy.
I Need Help Quitting Smoking
2. Boredom : Take up a new hobby. Smoking took up a lot of time. Use the extra time to learn to do new
things, i.e. garden, cook, embrider, join a gym. Try and keep your hands busy.
3. Constipation, gas, stomach pain: Constipation may last for several weeks but is only temporary.
Drink plenty of liquids (6-8 glasses of water daily); add roughage to diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, bran); go for walks.
4. Feeling cooped up: This feeling is normal. Get out in the fresh air and go for a walk. Keep yourself busy, both mentally and physically.
5. Cough, dry throat/mouth, nasal drip: This happens to many people when they quit smoking because the body is getting rid of mucous. Drink plenty of fluids; drink cold water, fruit juice, tea; use cough drops, gum or hard candy.
I Need Help Quitting Smoking
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Symptons of Quitting Smoking
The biggest thing I remember about quitting is craving the cigarettes. I mean after 1 hour I had to have one. Although I eventually gained about 10 pounds, I didn't remember raiding the fridge or anything like that. There are many other physical and mental symptoms people go through. I know it was also an emotion road for me. I had to get past that I wasn't a smoker anymore. When my smoker friends went outside to smoke at Bunko and the non-smokers stayed inside, I went outside on purpose. I did this to "test" myself. I wanted to put myself in situations where I had to change my mindset and actually tell myself "I'm not a smoker anymore" It really helped me - In addition I used a smoking cessation product that eased my symptoms. Let me know what has helped you in your journey. Here are some other symptoms you or your friends might be having:
Physical Symptoms.
• Tingling in the hands and feet
• Sweating
• Intestinal disorders (cramps, nausea)
• Headache
• Cold symptoms as the lungs begin to clear (sore throats, coughing, and other signs of colds and respiratory problem)
The first few weeks after quitting smoking are usually the most difficult and it's safe to say that it normally takes at least 8-12 weeks before a person starts to feel comfortable with their new lifestyle change of being an ex-smoker. Withdrawal from nicotine, an addictive drug found in tobacco, is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency, so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Unless that level is maintained, the body will begin to go through withdrawal. For tobacco users trying to quit, symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine are unpleasant and stressful, but only temporary.
Mental and Emotional Symptoms.
Nearly every moderate to heavy smoker experiences more than one of the following strong emotional and mental responses to withdrawal.
• Feelings of being an infant: temper tantrums, intense needs, feelings of dependency, a state of near paralysis.
• Insomnia
• Mental confusion
• Vagueness
• Irritability
• Anxiety
• Depression is common in the short and long term. In the short term it may mimic the feelings of grief felt when a loved one is lost. As foolish as it sounds, a smoker should plan on a period of actual mourning in order to get through the early withdrawal depression.
Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you quit and are completely gone in six months. However keep in mind that you have to treat this addition as a diesease. I know that if I just have one.... I will be a full fledged smoker againg....therefore I can NEVER have another cigarette... What about you ?
I Need Help To Quit Smoking
Physical Symptoms.
• Tingling in the hands and feet
• Sweating
• Intestinal disorders (cramps, nausea)
• Headache
• Cold symptoms as the lungs begin to clear (sore throats, coughing, and other signs of colds and respiratory problem)
The first few weeks after quitting smoking are usually the most difficult and it's safe to say that it normally takes at least 8-12 weeks before a person starts to feel comfortable with their new lifestyle change of being an ex-smoker. Withdrawal from nicotine, an addictive drug found in tobacco, is characterized by symptoms that include headache, anxiety, nausea and a craving for more tobacco. Nicotine creates a chemical dependency, so that the body develops a need for a certain level of nicotine at all times. Unless that level is maintained, the body will begin to go through withdrawal. For tobacco users trying to quit, symptoms of withdrawal from nicotine are unpleasant and stressful, but only temporary.
Mental and Emotional Symptoms.
Nearly every moderate to heavy smoker experiences more than one of the following strong emotional and mental responses to withdrawal.
• Feelings of being an infant: temper tantrums, intense needs, feelings of dependency, a state of near paralysis.
• Insomnia
• Mental confusion
• Vagueness
• Irritability
• Anxiety
• Depression is common in the short and long term. In the short term it may mimic the feelings of grief felt when a loved one is lost. As foolish as it sounds, a smoker should plan on a period of actual mourning in order to get through the early withdrawal depression.
Most withdrawal symptoms peak 48 hours after you quit and are completely gone in six months. However keep in mind that you have to treat this addition as a diesease. I know that if I just have one.... I will be a full fledged smoker againg....therefore I can NEVER have another cigarette... What about you ?
I Need Help To Quit Smoking
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Decline In Exposure To Secondhand Smoke
A new study in England published in the Journal Addiction found that contact to household secondhand smoke among children between 4-15 has declined steadily since 1996 among children in England.
The study was done by analyzing saliva samples for a substance called cotinine which is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. The surveys were conducted over a 10 year period of time from samples of over 19,000 children.
The results showed children's exposure to secondhand smoke has decreased noticeably since the mid-nineties with the largest decline between 2005 and 2006.
The research also reveals that secondhand smoke exposure in non-smoking children is highest when one or both parents smoke, when the children are looked after by carers that smoke, and when smoking is allowed in the home. Dr Michelle Sims, first author of the paper, adds: "the importance of carer and parental smoking and household exposure tells us that reducing exposure in the home is the key to reducing the health risks associated with secondhand smoke exposure in children."
I Want To Quit Smoking Too
Dr Anna Gilmore, who led the project, said "this study shows that the factors which most strongly influence children's exposure are modifiable. Parents and carers can reduce their children's exposure to smoke by giving up smoking, or failing this, making a decision to smoke outside the house. Stopping others from smoking in their house is also important. The fact that children's exposure has already fallen so markedly shows that making these changes is feasible."
The study was done by analyzing saliva samples for a substance called cotinine which is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. The surveys were conducted over a 10 year period of time from samples of over 19,000 children.
The results showed children's exposure to secondhand smoke has decreased noticeably since the mid-nineties with the largest decline between 2005 and 2006.
The research also reveals that secondhand smoke exposure in non-smoking children is highest when one or both parents smoke, when the children are looked after by carers that smoke, and when smoking is allowed in the home. Dr Michelle Sims, first author of the paper, adds: "the importance of carer and parental smoking and household exposure tells us that reducing exposure in the home is the key to reducing the health risks associated with secondhand smoke exposure in children."
I Want To Quit Smoking Too
Dr Anna Gilmore, who led the project, said "this study shows that the factors which most strongly influence children's exposure are modifiable. Parents and carers can reduce their children's exposure to smoke by giving up smoking, or failing this, making a decision to smoke outside the house. Stopping others from smoking in their house is also important. The fact that children's exposure has already fallen so markedly shows that making these changes is feasible."
Friday, February 12, 2010
Favorite Quote of the Day
"I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. It's seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future."
Howard Schultz (1952 - )
Chairman of Starbucks Coffee Company
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Heard of Second Hand Smoke, Now Third Hand Smoke is a Danger.study finds
When a cigarette burns, nicotine is released in the form of a vapour that collects and condenses on indoor surfaces such as walls, carpeting, drapes and furniture, where it can linger for months
A corresponding author of the study, Hugo Detaillats explains, “ When residual nicotine reacts with ambient nitrous acid it forms carcinogenic tobacco- specific nitrosamines, or TSNAs. TSNAs are among the most broadly acting and potent carcinogens present in unburned tobacco and tobacco smoke”.
Exposure to TSNA happens through inhalation of dust or contact of skin with carpet or clothing.
Smoking outdoors, opening a window or turning on a fan to air out a room while the cigarette burns does not eliminate the hazard of third-hand smoke. The smoke will stick to a smoker’s skin. The biggest risk is to young children.
You Can Quit Smoking Too
Everyone needs help quitting smoking. Even if you want to quit, I've heard and read that quitting is harder than stopping a herion addition ! I've put together a series of suggestions that might help you quit. It helped me to post these suggestions on "post it" notes on my bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and on my desk at work. It takes alot of willpower to quit, but it also takes retraing your mind. After 33 years of this same habit I know what you are going through, but I also know you can do it ! Let me hear from you soon and Good Luck ! When you get the crazies :
• Keep oral substitutes handy - try carrots, pickles, sunflower seeds, apples, celery, raisins, or sugarless gum instead of a cigarette.
• Take 10 deep breaths and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly and blow out the match.
Pretend it's a cigarette and crush it out in an ashtray.
• Take a shower or bath if possible.
• Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Make yourself limp, visualize a soothing, pleasing situation, and get
away from it all for a moment. Concentrate on that peaceful image and nothing else.
• Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette.
• Never allow yourself to think that "one won't hurt" - it will.
Quit Now
• Keep oral substitutes handy - try carrots, pickles, sunflower seeds, apples, celery, raisins, or sugarless gum instead of a cigarette.
• Take 10 deep breaths and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly and blow out the match.
Pretend it's a cigarette and crush it out in an ashtray.
• Take a shower or bath if possible.
• Learn to relax quickly and deeply. Make yourself limp, visualize a soothing, pleasing situation, and get
away from it all for a moment. Concentrate on that peaceful image and nothing else.
• Light incense or a candle instead of a cigarette.
• Never allow yourself to think that "one won't hurt" - it will.
Quit Now
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Everyone needs help quitting smoking. Even if you want to quit, I've heard and read that quitting is harder than stopping a herion addition ! I've put together a series of suggestions that might help you quit. It helped me to post these suggestions on "post it" notes on my bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and on my desk at work. It takes alot of willpower to quit, but it also takes retraing your mind. After 33 years of this same habit I know what you are going through, but I also know you can do it ! Let me hear from you soon and Good Luck !
• For the first 1-3 weeks, avoid situations you strongly associate with the pleasurable aspects of smoking, such as watching your favorite TV program, sitting in your favorite chair, or having a cocktail before dinner.
• Until you're confident of your ability to stay off cigarettes, limit your socializing to healthful, outdoor activities or situations where smoking isn't allowed.
• If you must be in a situation where you'll be tempted to smoke (such as a cocktail or dinner party), try to associate with the nonsmokers there.
• Try to analyze cigarette ads to understand how they attempt to "sell" you on individual brands.F
• Find new habits Things To Do
• Change your habits to make smoking difficult, impossible, or unnecessary. For example, it's hard to smoke when you're swimming, jogging, or playing tennis or handball. When your desire for a cigarette is intense, wash your hands or the dishes, or try new recipes.Alices Secrets of the South Vol. III Tasty Recipes for Healthy Living Cookbook

• Do things that require you to use your hands. Try crossword puzzles, needlework, gardening, or household chores. Go bike riding; take the dog for a walk; give yourself a manicure; write letters.
• Enjoy having a clean-mouth taste and maintain it by brushing your teeth frequently and using a mouthwash.
• Stretch a lot.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Pay attention to your appearance. Look and feel sharp.
• Try to find time for the activities that are the most meaningful, satisfying, and important to you.
Get Help Now
• For the first 1-3 weeks, avoid situations you strongly associate with the pleasurable aspects of smoking, such as watching your favorite TV program, sitting in your favorite chair, or having a cocktail before dinner.
• Until you're confident of your ability to stay off cigarettes, limit your socializing to healthful, outdoor activities or situations where smoking isn't allowed.
• If you must be in a situation where you'll be tempted to smoke (such as a cocktail or dinner party), try to associate with the nonsmokers there.
• Try to analyze cigarette ads to understand how they attempt to "sell" you on individual brands.F
• Find new habits Things To Do
• Change your habits to make smoking difficult, impossible, or unnecessary. For example, it's hard to smoke when you're swimming, jogging, or playing tennis or handball. When your desire for a cigarette is intense, wash your hands or the dishes, or try new recipes.Alices Secrets of the South Vol. III Tasty Recipes for Healthy Living Cookbook
• Do things that require you to use your hands. Try crossword puzzles, needlework, gardening, or household chores. Go bike riding; take the dog for a walk; give yourself a manicure; write letters.
• Enjoy having a clean-mouth taste and maintain it by brushing your teeth frequently and using a mouthwash.
• Stretch a lot.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Pay attention to your appearance. Look and feel sharp.
• Try to find time for the activities that are the most meaningful, satisfying, and important to you.
Get Help Now
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Everyone needs help quitting smoking. Even if you want to quit, I've heard and read that quitting is harder than stopping a herion addition ! I've put together a series of suggestions that might help you quit. It helped me to post these suggestions on "post it" notes on my bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and on my desk at work. It takes alot of willpower to quit, but it also takes retraing your mind. After 33 years of this same habit I know what you are going through, but I also know you can do it ! Let me hear from you soon and Good Luck !
• Develop a clean, fresh, nonsmoking environment around yourself - at work and at home. Buy yourself flowers - you may be surprised how much you can enjoy their scent now.
• The first few days after you quit smoking, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking isn't allowed, such as libraries, museums, theaters, department stores, and churches.
• Drink large quantities of water and fruit juice (but avoid sodas that contain caffeine).
• Try to avoid alcohol, coffee, and other beverages that you associate with cigarette smoking.
• Strike up a conversation instead of a match for a cigarette.
• If you miss the sensation of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else - a pencil, a paper clip, a marble.
• If you miss having something in your mouth, try toothpicks or a fake cigarette. TRY THIS
• Avoid temptation
• Instead of smoking after meals, get up from the table and brush your teeth or go for a walk.
• If you always smoke while driving, listen to a particularly interesting radio program or your favorite music, or take public transportation for a while, if you can.
• Get Help Now
• Develop a clean, fresh, nonsmoking environment around yourself - at work and at home. Buy yourself flowers - you may be surprised how much you can enjoy their scent now.
• The first few days after you quit smoking, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking isn't allowed, such as libraries, museums, theaters, department stores, and churches.
• Drink large quantities of water and fruit juice (but avoid sodas that contain caffeine).
• Try to avoid alcohol, coffee, and other beverages that you associate with cigarette smoking.
• Strike up a conversation instead of a match for a cigarette.
• If you miss the sensation of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else - a pencil, a paper clip, a marble.
• If you miss having something in your mouth, try toothpicks or a fake cigarette. TRY THIS
• Avoid temptation
• Instead of smoking after meals, get up from the table and brush your teeth or go for a walk.
• If you always smoke while driving, listen to a particularly interesting radio program or your favorite music, or take public transportation for a while, if you can.
• Get Help Now
Monday, February 8, 2010
Everyone needs help quitting smoking. Even if you want to quit, I've heard and read that quitting is harder than stopping a herion addition ! I've put together a series of suggestions that might help you quit. It helped me to post these suggestions on "post it" notes on my bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and on my desk at work. It takes alot of willpower to quit, but it also takes retraing your mind. After 33 years of this same habit I know what you are going through, but I also know you can do it ! Let me hear from you soon and Good Luck !
• Throw away all your cigarettes and matches. Hide your lighters and ashtrays.
• Visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned to get rid of tobacco stains. Notice how nice they look, and resolve to keep them that way.
• Make a list of things you'd like to buy for yourself or someone else. Estimate the cost in terms of packs of cigarettes, and put the money aside to buy these presents.
• Keep very busy on the big day. Go to the movies, exercise, take long walks, go bike riding.
• Remind your family and friends that this is your quit date, and ask them to help you over the rough spots of the first couple of days and weeks.
• Buy yourself a treat or do something special to celebrate You Can Quit Smoking Too
• Throw away all your cigarettes and matches. Hide your lighters and ashtrays.
• Visit the dentist and have your teeth cleaned to get rid of tobacco stains. Notice how nice they look, and resolve to keep them that way.
• Make a list of things you'd like to buy for yourself or someone else. Estimate the cost in terms of packs of cigarettes, and put the money aside to buy these presents.
• Keep very busy on the big day. Go to the movies, exercise, take long walks, go bike riding.
• Remind your family and friends that this is your quit date, and ask them to help you over the rough spots of the first couple of days and weeks.
• Buy yourself a treat or do something special to celebrate You Can Quit Smoking Too
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Everyone needs help quitting smoking. Even if you want to quit, I've heard and read that quitting is harder than stopping a herion addition ! I've put together a series of suggestions that might help you quit. It helped me to post these suggestions on "post it" notes on my bathroom mirror, car dashboard, and on my desk at work. It takes alot of willpower to quit, but it also takes retraing your mind. After 33 years of this same habit I know what you are going through, but I also know you can do it ! Let me hear from you soon and Good Luck !
- Practice going without cigarettes.
- Don't think of NEVER smoking again. Think of quitting in terms of 1 day at a time.
- Tell yourself you won't smoke today, and then don't.
- Clean your clothes to rid them of the cigarette smell, which can linger a long time.
- Get Smoking Aids
Saturday, February 6, 2010
California: Restaurant Patio Smoking Ban Fails
I live in California where it was the first state to ban smoking in many areas. In Los Angeles smoking is banned in outdoor areas. Although a smoker for 33 years and having quit for four, I still believe that people should have the right to smoke in public places. I was also very considerate in that if a non-smoker asked me to put my cigarette out - I would without hesitation - it is just common courtesy. I was very surprised when I read this articl about a city in California called Rancho Cucamonga. Let me know your thoughts after you read this :
Mayor Don Kurth, who is a physician was disagreed with the decision of the City council not to enforce a smoking ban this past Wednesday.
The Council felt the timing wasn’t right due to the economic climate and feared that local restaurant business would be impacted. Other concerns were that government should not be the one to decide whether patrons can smoke or not in outdoor patios and that the restriction might be too stringent on businesses that rely on outdoor patio sales.
The current ordinance, bans smoking on city-owned properties. Wednesday the council tentatively approved a draft ordinance that would prohibit smoking within 20 feet of transit stops and service lines such as near ATMs and movie theaters. In addition the Council members are interested in exploring the idea of prohibiting smoking in entryways of businesses and directed city staff members to gather information on a possible ordinance. I Need Help Quitting
What do you think? Should smoking be allowed on Patio Dining ?
Mayor Don Kurth, who is a physician was disagreed with the decision of the City council not to enforce a smoking ban this past Wednesday.
The Council felt the timing wasn’t right due to the economic climate and feared that local restaurant business would be impacted. Other concerns were that government should not be the one to decide whether patrons can smoke or not in outdoor patios and that the restriction might be too stringent on businesses that rely on outdoor patio sales.
The current ordinance, bans smoking on city-owned properties. Wednesday the council tentatively approved a draft ordinance that would prohibit smoking within 20 feet of transit stops and service lines such as near ATMs and movie theaters. In addition the Council members are interested in exploring the idea of prohibiting smoking in entryways of businesses and directed city staff members to gather information on a possible ordinance. I Need Help Quitting
What do you think? Should smoking be allowed on Patio Dining ?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Australian Throat Cancer Rate Doubles
When I was smoking, my weight was down, however there are many people who smoke and are heavy. This does not help the risk of cancer. I did not always think about cancer, but I have to admit it was always in the back of my mind. I aways knew I had to want to quit and that would decrease my chances for having cancer. Heres what Australia is saying about the matter, let me know your thoughts :
The Cancer Council in Australia warned that the rate of oesophageal cancer has more than doubled in 25 years.
The major increase in the cancer was due to the rising levels of obesity and the postponed effects of smoking said s Professor Ian Olver who is the chief executive of Cancer Council Australia
The cause was preventable and mostly lifestyle-related when they attributed obesity to 37 percent of the cases and 45 percent to smoking. Although the number of smokers have decreased the rates of smoking related illnesses are rising due to the length of time many people have smoked.
The Australian government published a report for preventing cancers caused by smoking, obesity and alcohol entitled “Preventative Healthy Taskforce”. http://bit.ly/Taskforce This disease is responsible for more premature death in Australia than any other cause, however if the government commits to work together it’s impact will be greatly reduced. Quit Smoking Now
The Cancer Council in Australia warned that the rate of oesophageal cancer has more than doubled in 25 years.
The major increase in the cancer was due to the rising levels of obesity and the postponed effects of smoking said s Professor Ian Olver who is the chief executive of Cancer Council Australia
The cause was preventable and mostly lifestyle-related when they attributed obesity to 37 percent of the cases and 45 percent to smoking. Although the number of smokers have decreased the rates of smoking related illnesses are rising due to the length of time many people have smoked.
The Australian government published a report for preventing cancers caused by smoking, obesity and alcohol entitled “Preventative Healthy Taskforce”. http://bit.ly/Taskforce This disease is responsible for more premature death in Australia than any other cause, however if the government commits to work together it’s impact will be greatly reduced. Quit Smoking Now
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Quitting Smoking Doubles Chances of Survival for Lung Cancer Patients
The first evaluation of several studies on people with early stage lung cancer to see if what affects quiting smoking had once they were dignosed with the diesease came back with the following findings:
Quitting smoking helped prolong their life:
Researcfhers at the Universit of Birmingham conducted the analysis of the results and found a five year survival rate of 63 to 70 percent among quitters compared with 29 to 33 percent among those who continued to smoke.
Greater Risk of Tumor Returning
In patients who DID NOT quit smoking compared to those who did quit smoking. This led researchers to believe that most of the amplified risk of deak was due to cancer evolution.
Although further trials are required to be certain, these findings could back-up the theory that continued smoking affects the behavior of a lung tumor. This study seems to confirm that it is never too late to quit smoking, even if you have lung cancer.
I want to quit smoking today
Quitting smoking helped prolong their life:
Researcfhers at the Universit of Birmingham conducted the analysis of the results and found a five year survival rate of 63 to 70 percent among quitters compared with 29 to 33 percent among those who continued to smoke.
Greater Risk of Tumor Returning
In patients who DID NOT quit smoking compared to those who did quit smoking. This led researchers to believe that most of the amplified risk of deak was due to cancer evolution.
Although further trials are required to be certain, these findings could back-up the theory that continued smoking affects the behavior of a lung tumor. This study seems to confirm that it is never too late to quit smoking, even if you have lung cancer.
I want to quit smoking today
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
No Smoking in Outdoor Areas - is the the beginning ?
I was reading the daily news a couple of weeks ago and what was true for me four years ago is still true today. Where are smokers going to be allowed to smoke. I have quit over 4 years ago, but truth be known it would only take one cigarette to get me back to smoking multiple packs of cigarettes a day. My friends think I am crazy, but I still like the smell of people smoking cigarettes (versus the smell of the cigarettes on the person ugh!) Anyway the Daily News for Los Angeles said that they took another step forward in prohibiting smoking in outdoor areas such as patio areas, outdoor food courts and around mobile food trucks. The ban will affect areas adjacent to a restaurant, within 10 feet of a outdoor food courts and 40 feet of mobile food trucks. Bars, nightclubs and cigar clubs are exempt. This ban will take effect after a one-year education program and is believed to discourage more people from smoking and reduce exposure to secondhand smoke.
Do you want to quit smoking today ?
Do you want to quit smoking today ?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
But Where Can I Smoke Now ?
Because I am on the West Coast our state was one of the first to put into place many of the non smoking laws. I began to feel like a criminal every time I did light up or worse yet when I wanted to light up. I grew up when smoking was very chic and acceptable. Now ... well I won't say exactly how many years later but you get the picture, after I am addicted - they cut me off! Feeling like the only place I was going to be allowed to smoke was my own home and wondering when that right was going to be taken away. Feeling rather dismal at the thought I decided to take stock of myself and write down just how important smoking had become in my life. I wrote down every occassion I felt like I really needed one, but now couldn't. What lenghts I was going to to go out and have one (I mean really, leaving an upscale restaurant in the middle of dinner to get a fix was really undesirable to my date), and finally how terrible I must of smelled to everyone around me who didn't smoke. I knew I needed to change the way I was living or better stated the way I wasn't living .
I want to quit smoking too
I want to quit smoking too
Monday, February 1, 2010
I started thinking about what I had been doing to my body over the past 33 years. When I did some research this is what I found out:
Smoking is one of the main causes of serious health diseases, such as cancer, stroke and heart problems. If you have no plans of quitting today, having knowledge of the different types of illnesses that you may experience through years of smoking may change your perception and lead you to stop smoking.
In this section, you will discover how smoking affects various parts of the body including the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, heart, skin, blood, etc. Here are some possible health effects of smoking:
• Lung Cancer
• Heart Diseases
• High Blood Pressure
• Bad Breath
• Gum Disease
• Depression
• Snoring
• Diabetes
• Infertility on men and women
• Thyroid Disease
• Harmful effects on Bones and Joints
I seriously started thinking about quiting ......but I didn't ...not then I still had the habit and I had it bad ! Stop Smoking Now
Smoking is one of the main causes of serious health diseases, such as cancer, stroke and heart problems. If you have no plans of quitting today, having knowledge of the different types of illnesses that you may experience through years of smoking may change your perception and lead you to stop smoking.
In this section, you will discover how smoking affects various parts of the body including the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, heart, skin, blood, etc. Here are some possible health effects of smoking:
• Lung Cancer
• Heart Diseases
• High Blood Pressure
• Bad Breath
• Gum Disease
• Depression
• Snoring
• Diabetes
• Infertility on men and women
• Thyroid Disease
• Harmful effects on Bones and Joints
I seriously started thinking about quiting ......but I didn't ...not then I still had the habit and I had it bad ! Stop Smoking Now
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