Monday, February 15, 2010


1. Anger and Mood Swings : For some anger may sometimes appear. You don't know why you feel that way, you just do.  Accept that you are going through some changes and vent it safely. Deal with your feelings rather than suppressing them. Say what’s on your mind without blowing your stack. Anger openly expressed or kept inside creates tension which may create the need for a cigarette. Reducing the tension will reduce your desire for a cigarette. Discuss your anger with a friend Take a walk, take deep breaths. .

2. Boredom : Take up a new hobby.  Smoking took up a lot of time.  Use the extra time to learn to do new
things, i.e. garden, cook, embrider, join a gym. Try and keep your hands busy. 
3. Constipation, gas, stomach pain: Constipation may last for several weeks but is only temporary.
Drink plenty of liquids (6-8 glasses of water daily); add roughage to diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, bran); go for walks.

4. Feeling cooped up:  This feeling is normal.  Get out in the fresh air and go for a walk.  Keep yourself busy, both mentally and physically.

5. Cough, dry throat/mouth, nasal drip:  This happens to many people when they quit smoking because the body is getting rid of mucous.  Drink plenty of fluids; drink cold water, fruit juice, tea; use cough drops, gum or hard candy.

I Need Help Quitting Smoking

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