• For the first 1-3 weeks, avoid situations you strongly associate with the pleasurable aspects of smoking, such as watching your favorite TV program, sitting in your favorite chair, or having a cocktail before dinner.
• Until you're confident of your ability to stay off cigarettes, limit your socializing to healthful, outdoor activities or situations where smoking isn't allowed.
• If you must be in a situation where you'll be tempted to smoke (such as a cocktail or dinner party), try to associate with the nonsmokers there.
• Try to analyze cigarette ads to understand how they attempt to "sell" you on individual brands.F
• Find new habits Things To Do
• Change your habits to make smoking difficult, impossible, or unnecessary. For example, it's hard to smoke when you're swimming, jogging, or playing tennis or handball. When your desire for a cigarette is intense, wash your hands or the dishes, or try new recipes.Alices Secrets of the South Vol. III Tasty Recipes for Healthy Living Cookbook
• Do things that require you to use your hands. Try crossword puzzles, needlework, gardening, or household chores. Go bike riding; take the dog for a walk; give yourself a manicure; write letters.
• Enjoy having a clean-mouth taste and maintain it by brushing your teeth frequently and using a mouthwash.
• Stretch a lot.
• Get plenty of rest.
• Pay attention to your appearance. Look and feel sharp.
• Try to find time for the activities that are the most meaningful, satisfying, and important to you.
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