Thursday, February 25, 2010

7 Smart Tips if you want to Quit Smoking for Good

When I made the decision to quit smoking and the key word here is “I” , I intellectually knew the top 3 benefits would be : 1. lower risk of lung cancer, 2. breathing better 3. lowering my health insurance premiums (my family’s health was also a big bonus ). It was still one of the most difficult things I did in my life. Here are some things I took into consideration :

1. I Quit for myself : Over the years it didn’t matter how many times other people told me I needed to quit, the fact of the matter was, if I didn’t want to – I wouldn’t succeed and I knew it. If you have a loved one that does not want to quit right now – be patient and understanding. There will come a day when they are ready, and don’t give up hope – My mom was 75 before she quit!

2, Considered Quitting Cold Turkey, but I couldn’t . After 33 years and several packs a day, although my mind wanted to, my body resisted. I initially used the help of a smoking cessation product, for a short time until my body adjusted to minimal amounts of nicotine, once done, I never looked back. I knew that it would only ever take one puff and I would be a full fledged smoker again. If you are the type that can quit cold turkey, you should only have a short time of intense withdrawal symptoms then your body will rid itself of all nicotine. After a month or two those intense cravings should go away.

3. Don’t have “just one puff” or put yourself in a situation where you will be tempted to have a cigarette As previously stated, having one puff is like undermining all the good work you have done thusfar – at least for me it would have been. When you smoke you will reintroduce the nicotine back into your system and it will make it that much harder to give it up again. Also, in the beginning I tried not to put myself in situations where I would normally have a cigarette. I passed on that morning cup of coffee, going out for a drink with the girls and changed my habits after dinner.

4. Try electronic cigarettes If you feel the need to have something in your hand or mouth, you can avoid all those carcinogens by using electronic cigarettes. They don’t have tar, or any other carcinogens found in regular cigarettes and tobacco. They will satisfy your cravings, and are healthier than any of the more common forms of nicotine.

5. Deal with stress naturally Before I quit smoking iIt was always natural for me to grab a cigarette and light up when I felt stressed. Now I had to pick another way to deal with my stress. I picked simply “deep breathing” I noticed this would calm me down because I had to really concentrate on taking deep breaths and as I was doing so I was doing “self talk” and creating a more calming atmosphere for myself.

6. Eat regularly By eating regularly, you keep your blood sugar level up and this will help you to avoid low blood sugar or feeling too hungry. e. If you’ve quit smoking, it’s very important to eat regularly in order to avoid feeling too hungry or encountering low blood sugar situations.
Many smokers smoke in order to deal with stress. However, think back to a time when you weren’t a smoker, maybe when you were fourteen or fifteen. You faced difficult and stressful situations, and dealt with them without resorting to nicotine. You could do it then, so surely you can deal with stress now that you’re older and more mature, without needing cigarettes as your crutch. It may seem difficult at first, but over time you’ll find that you’re actually able to deal with stress better without cigarettes.

7. Let Your Family and Friends Know You are Quitiing Smoking This helps in a variety of ways. . Your family and friends can give you support and encouragement when you need it. It will also help them understand your mood swings that you might experience, now that your “old friend is being taken away from you”. In addition many times when people “tell” others who are close to them of their decision to quit, they do not want to let their friends and family down, it helps them be more determined to quit.

Many say smoking is as addictive as heroin use, it certainly was one of the most difficult things I ever had to quit doing. At the same time, it was very rewarding to Kick the Habit and now tell everyone, when asked
 I Don’t Smoke!

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