Tuesday, February 16, 2010


6. Craving for a cigarette: Nicotine is an addictive drug. Cravings are different for everyone.  Many times it may last only 2-3 days. For some it last for months or for years.  Wait out the urge it will go away, usually in 3 to 5 minutes. Think or focus on something else, take deep breaths, exercise or brush your teeth.  These are all things that helped me.  I have quit for four years, but actually every once in a while about twice a year I still get the urge.  For me, I'm not sure it will every go away.

7. Depression & Despair: Talk positively to yourself and tell yourself  you can do it ! Write down key phases to combat your self defeating ones and repete a positive statement everytime you find youself putting yourself down.  Find a susbsitute to smoking.  The depression and despair should be temporary, but if it does not appear to be going away, consult your doctor.

8. Dizziness:  This should also pass and should only last several days.  You are now getting more oxygen so your body needs time to adjust. 

9. Fatigue: Your body is adjusting and healing.   By drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily it will help the healing process. If you feel tired when you wake up, do some moderate exercise and take a cool shower.

10. Frustration:  Deep Breathing is what helped me get through alot of the symptoms and it was good for this one as well.  Keep repeting  positive reinforcement statements to yourself as you breath in and out.  Remember change you mind, change your behavior.

I Want To Quit Smoking Today 

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